Friday, April 13, 2012

Get this one...

A friend of mine, well, more of a friend of one of my really good friends, passed away last week. His death was related to drug use. C'est la vie and all that. The meat and potatoes of this story came from a status update on Facebook. See, merely two days after my friend passed away, someone whom the deceased had an altercation with nearly 5 years ago, over some petty nonsense, decided to declare his death as a reason to celebrate the upcoming Easter holiday; he went on to hail the loss of life as a reason to drink and celebrate karma, and then for added insult wished that the deceased's father would shortly follow him to the grave.Well, after that, I put up a status of my own tearing into this jerk, but my good friend commented on the disparaging status update. Eventually, someone close to the jerk convinced him to delete it, or he took it down on his own because of guilt. Here's the kicker, the jerk came to the wake, but stayed outside in his car while his mother came inside to seek out my friend, and make sure it was okay, indirectly make sure, for her son the jerk to come in and pay respects. Pay respects? I cannot lie, if the jerk came inside I would have knocked him out. You want to pay respects? Don't turn the loss of life into a spectacle for your egotistical purposes. Delete the status, apologize, and stay far away from the services of someone you clearly dislike.  What are people becoming?


  1. It's frightening isn't it? This jerk hid behind a screen then had the nerve to show up at the wake? I get very uncomfortable when someone says "I wish they were dead!", I can't imagine someone rejoicing over a death so publicly. He's lucky he didn't get a beating in that parking lot by the deceased's distraught family and friends.

  2. That is terrible. I don't even have words for that! What a terrible person.

  3. I'm so sorry about your friend, first and foremost. I'm also sorry that you and yours because this asshole decided to make your lives worse. Best of luck, and keep your chin up.
